Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tag! She's It, Bitches.

That bad girl in black over at About the Girl tagged Anonymous with this meme but wisely assigned the actual work to Anon's hypercompetent staff. Since one of Stephanie's tagees declined, we'll tag him again and then ghostwrite for him too. Anon has nothing on the devil and so cannot afford to go around breaking the meme chains upon which an orderly universe truly rests.

The rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on the blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Six random things about her:

1. Anonymous has never owned a comb or a brush. This is a proven fact and not just some shit I made up to fill space.

2. She sleeps all blissed out with a life size poster of Justin Timberlake hanging on the ceiling above her bed. Justin Timberlake is totally fair game for old chicks, having pranced across sportscars with Madonna and sexually assaulted Janet at the Superbowl only to let her take the blame.

3. Anonymous secretly uses voodoo to give people anxiety attacks. Then she pretends to be there to help them feel better.

4. If I am She Who Will Not Be Denied, then Anonymous has a Magical Kitty to put the boys back together again. However, if I'm just another latte-sipping, sushi-eating, narcissistic faux-green, she's a chick with a pretty good job and big boobs.

5. Anonymous invented the internet to help keep geeks off the street. You should be thanking her.

6. She is the last of the final five cylons. And she shot Tony Soprano.

And now in the name of all that is good and fair, we pass along the love:



The Devas said...

Don's is done. At the Moon Seven Times blog! In magical disappearing ink!

The Devas said...

Jesse's is done.